
1. Levi M, Peterson L, Berl T: Mechanism of Concentrating Defect in Hypercalcemia: 

Role of Polydipsia and Prostaglandins. Kidney Int 23:489-497, 1983 

2. Levi M, Ellis M, Berl T: Control of Renal Hemodynamics and Glomerular Filtration Rate in Chronic Hypercalcemia: Role of Prostaglandins, Renin-Angiotensin System and Calcium. J Clin Invest 71:1624-1632, 1983 

3. Burke TJ, Wilson DR, Levi M, Gordon JA, Arnold PE, Schrier RW: Role of Mitochondria in Ischemic Acute Renal Failure. Clin Exp Dialysis and Apheresis 7:49-61, 1983. 

4. Berl T, Levi M, Chaimovitz C, Ellis M: Mechanism of Acute Hypercalcemic Hypertension in the Conscious Rat: Role of Vasoactive Hormones and Calcium. Hypertension 7: 923-930, 1985 

5. Levi M, Molitoris BA, Burke TJ, Schrier RW, Simon FR: Effects of Vitamin D Induced- Hypercalcemia on Rat Renal Cortical Brush Border and Basolateral Membranes and Mitochondria. Am J Physiol 252 (Renal Fluid and Electrolyte Physiol 21): F267-275, 1987. 

6. Levi M, Jameson DM, van der Meer BW: Role of Brush Border Membrane Lipid Composition and Fluidity in Impaired Renal Phosphate Transport in the Aged Rat. Am J Physiol 256 (Renal Fluid and Electrolyte Physiol 25): F85-F94, 1989. 

7. Levi M: Clinical Disorders of Renal Tubular Phosphate Transport. Am J Med Sci 298: 194-205, 1989 

8. Levi M, Baird B, Wilson P: Cholesterol Modulates Rat Renal Brush Border Membrane Phosphate Transport. J Clin Invest 85:231-237, 1990 

9. Levi M, Cronin RE: Early Selective Effects of Gentamicin on Renal Brush Border Membrane Na-Pi Cotransport and Na/H Exchange. Am J Physiol 258 (Renal Fluid and Electrolyte Physiol 27): F1379-F1387, 1990. 

10. Levi M: Heterogeneity of Phosphate Transport by Brush Border Membranes from Superficial and Juxtamedullary Cortex of the Rat. Am J Physiol 258 (Renal Fluid and Electrolyte Physiol 27): F1616-F1624, 1990. 

11. Levi M: Primary Hyperaldosteronism. Am J Med Sci 300:189-202, 1990 38 

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12. Moe OW, Tejedor A, Levi M, Seldin DW, Preisig PA, Alpern RJ: Dietary NaCl Modulates Na/H Antiporter Activity in Renal Cortical Apical Membrane Vesicles. Am J Physiol 260 (Renal Fluid and Electrolyte Physiol (29): F130-F137, 1991. 

13. Henrich WL, Levi M: Ontogeny of Renal Renin Release in the Spontaneously Hypertensive and Wistar Kyoto Rat. Am J Physiol 260 (Renal Fluid and Electrolyte Physiol 29): F530-F535, 1991. 

14. Levi M, Henrich WL: Dietary Calcium Modulates Renal BBM Angiotensin II Binding and Na/H Antiporter Activity in SHR. Am J Physiol 260 (Renal Fluid and Electrolyte Physiol 29): F567-F662, 1991. 

15. Levi M, McDonald LA, Preisig PA, Alpern RJ: Chronic K Depletion Stimulates Rat Renal Brush-Border Membrane Na-Citrate Cotransporter. Am J Physiol 261 (Renal Fluid and Electrolyte Physiol 30): F767-F773, 1991. 

16. Levi M: The Molecular Mechanisms of Regulation of Renal Phosphate Transport by Dietary Phosphate, Parathyroid Hormone, and Vitamin D. In Goldfarb S and Ziyadeh FN: Hormones Autacoids and the Kidney, Contemporary Issues in Nephrology Volume 23, New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1991 

17. Levi M, Wilson PV, Cooper OJ, Gratton E: Lipid Phases in Renal Brush Border Membranes Revealed by Laurdan Fluorescence. Photochemistry and Photobiology 57: 420-425, 1993 

18. Loghman-Adham M, Levi M: Phosphonoformic Acid Blunts the Adaptive Response of Renal and Intestinal Pi Transport. Am J Physiol 265 (Renal Fluid and Electrolyte Physiol 34): F756-F763, 1993. 

19. Levi M, Arar M, Kaissling B, Murer H, and Biber J: Low Pi Diet Increases the Abundance of an Apical Protein Related to Na-Pi Cotransport in Rat Proximal Tubular S3 Segments. European Journal of Physiology (Molecular and Cellular Physiology) 426:5-11, 1994 

20. Arar M, Levi M, Baum M: Maturational Effects of Glucocorticoids on Neonatal Brush Border Membrane Phosphate Transport. Pediatric Research 35:474-478, 1994 

21. Loghman-Adham M, Motock G, Levi M: Enhanced Bioavailability of Phosphonoformic Acid by Dietary Phosphorus Restriction. Biochemical Pharmacology 48: 1455-1458, 1994 


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22. Levi M, Lötscher M, Sorribas V, Custer M, Arar M, Kaissling B, Murer H, Biber J: Cellular Mechanisms of Acute and Chronic Adaptation of Rat Renal Phosphate Transporter to Alterations in Dietary Phosphate. Am J Physiol 267 (Renal Fluid Electrolyte Physiol 36): F900-F908, 1994. 

23. Arar M, Baum M, Biber J, Murer H, Levi M: Epidermal Growth Factor Inhibits Na-Pi Cotransport and mRNA in OKP Cells. Am J Physiol 268 (Renal Fluid Electrolyte Physiol 37): F309-F314, 1995. 

24. Kempson SA, Lötscher M, Kaissling B, Biber J, Murer H, Levi M: Effect of Parathyroid Hormone on Phosphate Transporter mRNA and Protein in Rat Renal Proximal Tubules. Am J Physiol 268 (Renal Fluid Electrolyte Physiol 37): F784-791, 1995. 

25. Loghman-Adham M, Motock GT, Wilson P, Levi M: Characterization of Na- Phosphate Cotransporters in Renal Cortical Endosomes. Am J Physiol 269 (Renal Fluid Electrolyte Physiol. 38): F93-F102, 1995. 

26. Levi M, Shayman J, Abe A, McCluer RH, Gross SK, Biber J, Murer H, Lötscher M, Cronin RE: Dexamethasone Modulates Rat Renal Brush Border Membrane Phosphate Transporter mRNA and Protein Abundance and Glycosphingolipid Composition. J Clin Invest 96: 207-216, 1995 

27. Maier JS, Barbieri B, Chervu A, Chervu I, Fantini S, Franceschini MA, Levi M, Mantulin WW, Rosenberg A, Walker SA, Gratton E: In Vivo Study of Human Tissues With a Portable Near-Infrared Tissue Spectrometer. Proc. of SPIE 2387:240-248, 1995 

28. Lötscher M, Kaissling B, Biber J, Murer H, Kempson SA, Levi M: Regulation of Rat Renal Na/Pi-Cotransporter by Parathyroid Hormone: Immunohistochemistry. Kidney Int. 49:1010-1011, 1996 

29. Lötscher M, Nguyen S, Wilson P, Kaissling B, Biber J, Mürer H, Levi M: New Aspects in the Regulation of Renal Phosphate Transport by Dietary Phosphate. Kidney Int. 49:1012-1018, 1996 

30. Murer H, Lötscher M, Kaissling B, Levi M, Kempson SA, Biber J: Renal Brush Border Membrane Na/Pi-Cotransport: Molecular Aspects in PTH-Dependent and Dietary Regulation: Kidney Int. 49:1769-1773, 1996. 

31. Sorribas V, Lötscher M, Loffing J, Biber J, Kaissling B, Murer H, Levi M: Cellular Mechanisms of the Age-Related Decrease in Renal Phosphate Reabsorption. Kidney Int. 50: 855-863, 1996 


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32. Levi M, Kempson SA, Lötscher M, Biber J, Murer H: Molecular Regulation of Renal Phosphate Transport. J. Membrane Biol. 154:1-9, 1996. 

33. Prabu S, Levi M, Dwarakanath V, Arar M, Biber J, Murer H, Baum M: Effect of Glucocorticoids on Neonatal Rabbit Renal Cortical Na/Pi mRNA and Protein Abundance. Pediatric Research 42:20-24, 1997 

34. Wang H, Zajicek H, Kumar V, Wilson P, Levi M: Role of Cholesterol in the Regulation of Renal Phosphate Transport. Frontiers in Bioscience 2:43-48, 1997 

35. Parasassi T, Gratton E, Yu W, Wilson P, Levi M: Two-Photon Fluorescence Microscopy of LAURDAN GP-Domains in Model and Natural Membranes. Biophysical J 72: 2413-2429, 1997 

36. Levi M, Wilson P, Nguyen S, Iorio E, Sapora O, Parasassi T: In K562 and HL60 Cells Membrane Ageing During Cell Growth is Associated with Changes in Cholesterol Concentration. Mech Aging and Development 97: 109-119, 1997 

37. Lötscher M, Biber J, Murer H, Kaissling B, Levi M: Role of Microtubules in the Rapid Upregulation of Rat Renal Proximal Tubular Na-Pi Cotransport Following Dietary Pi Restriction. J Clin Invest 99: 1302-1312, 1997 

38. Zajicek H, Wang, H, Kumar V, Wilson P, Levi M: Role of Glycosphingolipids in the Regulation of Renal Phosphate Transport. Kidney Int. Vol. 52, Suppl. 61: S32-S35, 1997. 

39. Shimabukuro M, Zhou Y, and Levi M, Unger R: Fatty Acid-Induced -cell Apoptosis: A Link between Obesity and Diabetes. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci, USA, 95:2498-2502, 1998 

40. Ambühl P, Zajicek HK, Wang H, Puttaparthi K, Levi M: Regulation of Renal Phosphate Transport by Acute and Chronic Metabolic Acidosis in the Rat. Kidney Int. 53:1288-1298, 1998 

41. Markovich D, Biber J, Murer H, Sakhaee K, Pak C, Levi M: Dietary Sulfate Regulates Rat Renal Sulfate Transport. J Am Soc Nephrol 9:1568-1573, 1998. 

42. Loffing J, Lötscher, Kaissling B, Biber J, Murer H, Seikaly M, Alpern R, Levi M, Baum M, Moe O: Renal Na/H Exchanger NHE-3 and Na-PO4 Cotransporter NaPi-2 Protein Expression in Glucocorticoid Excess and Deficient States. J Am Soc Nephrol 9:1560-1567, 1998. 

43. Arar M, Zajicek HK, Levi M: Epidermal Growth Factor Inhibits Na-Pi Cotransport in Weaned and Suckling Rats. Am J Physiol 276: 72-78, 1999 


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44. Markovich D, Wang H, Puttaparthi K, Zajicek HK, Rogers T, Murer H, Biber J, Levi M: Chronic K Depletion Inhibits the Rat Renal Brush-Border Membrane Na/Sulfate Cotransporter NaSi-1. Kidney International 55:244-251, 1999 

45. Alcalde AI, Sarasa M, Morales R, Aramayona U, Biber J, Murer H, Levi M, Sorribas V: Role of Thyroid Hormone in Regulation of Renal Phosphate Transport in Young and Aged Rats. Endocrinology 140:1544-1551, 1999 

46. Puttaparthi K, Markovich D, Halaihel N, Wilson P, Zajicek HK, Wang H, Biber J, Murer H, Rogers T, Levi M: Metabolic Acidosis Regulates Rat Renal Na/Si-Cotransport Activity. American Journal of Physiology 276 (Cell Physiol 45): C1398-C1404, 1999 

47. Choudhury D, Michener B, Fennelly P, Levi M: Near Infrared Spectroscopy in the Early Detection of Peripheral Vascular Disease. J Vascular Technology, 23: 109-113, 1999 

48. Choudhury D, Michener B, Fennelly P, Levi M: Near Infrared Spectroscopy in the Evaluation of Lower Limb Ischemia in Hemodialysis Patients. J Vascular Technology, 23:21-23, 1999 

49. Parasassi T, Gratton E, Zajicek H, Levi M, Yu W: Detection of Membrane Lipid Microdomains by Two-Photon Fluorescence Microscopy. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 18: 92-99, 1999 

50. Wallace M, Michener B, Choudhury D, Levi M, Fennely P, Hueber DM, Barbieri B: Summary of the Results of a 95 Subject Human Clinical Trial for Diagnosis of Peripheral Vascular Disease Using a Near Infrared Frequency Domain Hemoglobin Spectrometer. Proc of SPIE, 3597: 300-316, 1999 

51. Lötscher M, Scarpetta Y, Levi M, Halaihel N, Wang H, Zajicek HK, Biber J, Murer H, Kaissling B: Rapid Downregulation of Rat Renal Na/Pi-Cotransporter in Response to Parathyroid Hormone involves Microtubule Rearrangement. J Clin Invest 104: 483-494, 1999 

52. Raj DSC, Choudhury D, Welbourne TC, Levi M: Advanced Glycation End Products: A Nephrologist’s Perspective. Am J Kid Dis 35:365-380, 2000 

53. Levi M: Journal Club Review: Npt2 Is the Major Mediator of Renal Phosphate Transport. Am J Kid Dis 36:1276-1280, 2000. 


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54. Woda C, Mulroney SE, Halaihel N, Sun L, Wilson P, Levi M, Haramati A: Renal Tubular Sites of Increased Phosphate Transport and NaPi-2 Expression in the Juvenile Rat. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 280:R1524-1533, 2001 

55. Sorribas V, Halaihel N, Alcalde AI, Morales RM, Sarasa M, Zajicek HK, Wang H, Rogers T, Puttaparthi K, Cronin RE, Levi M: Gentamicin causes endocytosis of Na/Pi cotransporter protein (NaPi-2). Kidney Intl 59:1024-1036, 2001 

56. Dietrich C, Bagatolli L, Thompson N, Levi M, Jacobson K, Gratton E. Lipid rafts reconstituted in model membranes. Biophysical Journal 80: 1417-1428, 2001 

57. Haviv YS, Wald H, Levi M, Dranitzki-Elhalel M, Popovtzer MM. Late onset down- regulation of NaPi-2 in experimental Fanconi’s syndrome. Pediatric Nephrology 16:412- 416, 2001 

58. Levi M: Nephrology Forum: Posttransplant Hypophosphatemia. Kidney International 59:2377-2387, 2001 

59. Friedlaender MM, Wald H, Dranitzki-Elhalel M, Zajicek H, Levi M, Popovtzer MM. Vitamin D reduces renal NaPi-2 in PTH-infused rats: Complexity of vitamin D action on renal Pi handling. Am J Physiol, 281:428-433, 2001 

60. Zajicek H, Wang H, Puttaparthi K, Halaihel N, Markovich D, Shayman J, Beliveau R, Wilson, P, Rogers T, Levi M: Glycosphingolipids Modulate Renal Phosphate Transport in Potassium Deficiency. Kidney International, 60:694-704, 2001 

61. Green J, Debby H, Lederer E, Levi M, Zajicek HK, Bick T. Evidence for PTH- independent humoral mechanism in post-transplant hypophosphatemia and phosphaturia. Kidney International, 60:1182-1196, 2001 

62. Dietrich C, Volovyk ZN, Levi M, Thompson NL, Jacobson K: Partitioning of Thy-1, GM1 and cross-linked phospholipid analogs into lipid rafts reconstituted in model membrane monolayers. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98:10642-10647, 2001. 

63. Raj D, Vincent B, Simpson K, Sato E, Jones KL, Welbourne TC, Levi M, Shah V, Blandon P, Zager P, Robbins RA. Hemodynamic changes during hemodialysis: Role of nitric oxide and endothelin. Kidney International 61:697-704, 2002 

64. Sun L, Halaihel N, Zhang W, Rogers T, Levi M: Role of SREBP-1 in Regulation of Renal Lipid Metabolism and Glomerulosclerosis in Diabetes Mellitus. J Biol Chem, 277:18919-18927, 2002 


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65. Sadjadi J, Puttaparthi K, Li L, Welborn MB, Rogers TE, Moe O, Clagett GP, Turnage RH, Levi M, Modrall JG. Upregulation of autocrine-paracrine renin-angiotensin systems in chronic renovascular hypertension. J Vasc Surgery, 36: 386-392, 2002 

66. Wolf U, Wolf M, Choi J, Levi M, Choudhury D, Hull S, Coussirat D, Paunescu A, Safanove LP, Michalos A, Mantulin WW, Gratton E. Localized irregularities in hemoglobin flow and oxygenation in the calf muscle in patients with peripheral vascular disease detected by near-infrared spectrophotometry. J Vascular Surgery 37: 1017- 1026, 2003 

67. Levi M, Zajicek H, Parasassi T. Spectroscopy and microscopy of cells and cell membrane systems. Methods Enzymology 360: 330-345, 2003 

68. Mirzaei S, Zajicek HK, Knoll P, Hahn M, Levi M, Kohn H, Pohl W. Effect of Rocaltrol on Bone Mass in Patients with Pulmonary Disease Treated with Corticosteroids. Journal of Asthma 40: 251-255, 2003 

69. Levi M. Role of PDZ domain-containing proteins and ERM proteins in the regulation of renal function and dysfunction. J Am Soc Nephrology 14: 1711-1719, 2003 

70. Taylor JG, Zwillich CW, Kaehny WD, Levi M, Popovtzer MM. Hyperkalemia with concomitant watery diarrhea; an unusual association. Am J Kid Disease 42: E9-E12, 2003 

71. Amanzadeh J, Gitomer WL, Zerwekh JE, Preisig PA, Moe OW, Pak CYC, Levi M. Effect of high protein diet on stone-forming propensity and bone loss in rats. Kidney International 64: 2142-2149, 2003 

72. Raj DSC, DM, Lim G, Levi M, Qualls C, Jain SK. Advanced Glycation End products and oxidative stress are increased in chronic allograft nephropathy. Am J Kid Disease 43: 154-160, 2004 

73. Mulroney SE, Woda CB, Halaihel N, Louie B, McDonnell K, Schulkin J, Haramati A, and Levi M. Central control of renal sodium-phosphate (NaPi-2) transporters. Am J Physiology: Renal Physiology 286: F647-F652, 2004 

74. Woda CB, Halaihel N, Wilson PV, Haramati A, Levi M, and Mulroney SE. Regulation of renal NaPi-2 expression and tubular phosphate reabsorption by growth hormone in the juvenile rat. Am J Physiology: Renal Physiology 287: F117-123, 2004 

75. Ruan Q, Cheng MA, Levi M, Gratton E, Mantulin W. Spatial-temporal studies of membrane dynamics: Scanning Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (SFCS). Biophysical Journal 87: 1260-1267, 2004 


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76. He Z, Jiang T, Wang Z, Levi M, Li J. Modulation of carbohydrate response element- binding protein ChREBP gene expression in 3T3L1 adipocyte and rat adipose tissue. Am J Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism 287: E424-430, 2004. 

77. Inoue M, Digman M, Cheng MA, Breusegem S, Halaihel N, Sorribas V, Mantulin W, Gratton E, Barry N, Levi M: Partitioning of NaPi cotransporter in cholesterol, sphingomyelin and glycosphingolipid enriched membrane domains regulates its diffusion, clustering and activity. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279: 49160-49171, 2004 

78. Friedlander M, Wald H, Dranitzky-Elhalel M, Levi M, and Popovtzer M. Recovery of renal tubule phosphate reabsorption despite reduced levels of sodium phosphate transporter (NaPi2). European Journal of Endocrinology, 151:797-801, 2004 

79. Elhalel MD, Wald H, Rubinger D, Gal-Moscovici A, Inoue M, Levi M, and Popovtzer M. Regulation of NaPi-IIa mRNA and transporter protein in chronic renal failure: role of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and dietary phosphate (Pi). Pflügers Archives-European Journal of Physiology 449:265-70, 2004 

80. Rubinger D, Wald H, Gimelreich D, Halaihel N, Rogers T, Levi M, Popovtzer M: Regulation of the renal sodium-phosphate cotransporter NaPi2 (Npt2) in acute renal failure due to ischemia and reperfusion. Nephron-Physiology 100: 1-12, 2005 

81. Breusegem S, Halaihel N, Inoue M, Zajicek H, Lederer E, Barry N, Sorribas V, Levi M: Acute and Chronic Changes in Cholesterol Modulate Na/Pi Cotransport Activity in OK Cells. American Journal of Physiology: Renal Physiology 289:F154-65, 2005 

82. Wang Z, Jiang T, Li J, Proctor G, McManaman JL, Lucia S, Chua S, and Levi M: Regulation of Renal Lipid Metabolism, Lipid Accumulation and Glomerulosclerosis in FVB db/db Mice with Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes: 54: 2328-35, 2005 

83. Jiang T, Liebman S, Lucia MS, Li J, Levi M: Role of altered renal lipid metabolism and the sterol regulatory element binding proteins (SREBPs) in the pathogenesis of age-related renal disease. Kidney International 68: 2608-2620, 2005 

84. Jiang T, Liebman S, Lucia S, Phillips CL, Levi M: Caloric restriction modulates renal expression of SREBPs, renal lipid accumulation and age-related renal disease. J Am Soc Nephrology 16:2385-94, 2005 

85. McWilliams RR, Breusegem SY, Brodsky KF, Kim E, Levi M and Doctor RB: Shank2E binds Na/Pi co-transporter at the apical membrane of proximal tubule cells. American J Physiology Cell Physiology 289: 1042-1051, 2005 


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86. Jiang T, Wang Z, Proctor G, Moskowitz S, Liebman S, Rogers T, Lucia S, Li J and Levi M: Diet Induced Obesity in C57BL/6J Mice Causes Increased Renal Lipid Accumulation and Glomerulosclerosis via a Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein- 1c Dependent Pathway. J Biol Chem 280: 32317-32325, 2005 

87. Khundmiri SJ, Asghar M, Banday AA, Khan F, Salim S, Levi M, Yusufi ANK: Effect of Ischemia Reperfusion on Sodium Dependent Phosphate Transport in Renal Brush Border Membranes. Biochim Biophys Acta 1716: 19-28, 2005 

88. Thurman JM, Ljubanović D, Royer PA, Kraus DM, Molina H, Barry NP, Proctor G, Levi M and Holers MV: Altered Renal Tubular Expression of the Complement Inhibitor Crry Permits Complement Activation after Ischemia/Reperfusion. Journal of Clinical Investigation 116: 357-368, 2006 

89. Levi M, Blaine J, Breusegem S, Takahashi H, Sorribas V, Barry N: Renal phosphate-wasting disorders. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 13:155-65, 2006 

90. Breusegem SY, Levi M, Barry NP: Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. Nephron: Exp Nephrology 103:41-9, 2006 

91. Proctor G, Jiang T, Iwahashi M, Wang Z, Li J and Levi M: Regulation of Renal Lipid Metabolism, Lipid Accumulation, and Fibrosis in Akita and OVE26 Mice with Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes 55: 2502-2509, 2006 

92. Levi M: Do statins have a beneficial effect on the kidney? Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology: 2: 666-667, 2006 

93. Lanaspa MA, Giral H, Breusegem SY, Halaihel N, Baile G, Catalan J, Carrodeuga JA, Barry NP, Levi M, and Sorribas V: Interaction of MAP17 with NHERF3/4 induces translocation of the renal type IIa Na/Pi transporter to the trans-Golgi. American Journal of Physiology: Renal Physiology 292: F230-F242, 2007 

94. Villa-Bellosta R, Bogaert YE, Levi M, Sorribas V: Characterization of Phosphate transport in rat vascular smooth muscle cells: Implications for vascular calcification: ATVB 27: 1030-6, 2007 

95. Wang C, Sorribas V, Sharma G, Levi M, Draznin B: Insulin attenuates vascular smooth muscle calcification but increases vascular smooth muscle cell phosphate transport: Atherosclerosis 195: e65-75, 2007 


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96. Jiang T, Wang XX, Scherzer P, Wilson P, Tallman J, Takahashi H, Li J, Iwahashi M, Sutherland E, Arend L, and Levi M: FXR Modulates Renal Lipid Metabolism and Fibrosis and Diabetic Nephropathy: Diabetes 56: 2485-2493, 2007 

97. Bauer T, Reusch J, Levi M, Regensteiner J: Skeletal Muscle Deoxygenation Following the onset of moderate exercise suggests slowed microvascular blood flow kinetics in type 2 Diabetes: Diabetes Care 30: 2880-2885, 2007 

98. Villa-Bellosta R, Barac-Nieto M, Breusegem SY, Barry NP, Levi M, and Sorribas V: Protein interactions of the growth-related, type IIc renal Na/phosphate co-transporter: Kidney International 73: 456–464, 2008 

99. Faroqui S, Levi M, Soleimani M, and Amlal H: Estrogen downregulates the expression of proximal tubule Na-Pi cotransporter (NaPi-IIa) and causes phosphaturia in ovariectomized rats: Kidney International 73:1141-50, 2008 

100. Levi M: Novel NaPi-2c mutations that cause mistargeting of NaPi-2c protein and uncoupling of Na-Pi cotransport cause HHRH. American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology 295: F369-F370, 2008 

101. Levi M Breusegem SY: Renal Phosphate–Transporter Regulatory Proteins and Nephrolithiasis. New England Journal of Medicine 359: 1171-1173, 2008. 

102. Kratzer A, Buchebner M, Pfeifer T, Becker TM, Uray G, Miyazaki M,Miyazaki-Anzai S, Ebner S, Chandak PG, Kadam RS, Calayir E, Rathke N, Ahammer H, Radovic B, Trauner M, Hoefler G, Kompella UB, Fauler G, Levi M, Levak-Frank S,Kostner GM, and KratkyG: Synthetic LXR agonist attenuates plaque formation in apoE-deficient mice without inducing liver steatosis and hypertriglyceridemia J. Lipid Res 50: 312-326, 2009. 

103. Villa-Bellosta R, Ravera S, Sorribas V, Stange G, Levi M, Murer H, Biber J, Forster IC. The Na+-Pi cotransporter PiT-2 (SLC20A2) is expressed in the apical membrane of rat renal proximal tubules and regulated by dietary Pi. American J Physiology Renal Physiol. 296:F691-9, 2009 

104. Breusegem SY, Takahashi H, Giral-Arnal H, Wang X, Jiang T, Verlander JW, Wilson P, Miyazaki S, Sutherland E, Caldas Y, Blaine JT, Segawa H, Miyamoto K, Barry NP, and Levi M. Differential Regulation of the Renal Sodium/Phosphate Co- Transporters NaPi-IIa, NaPi-IIc and PiT-2 in Dietary Potassium Deficiency. American J Physiology Renal Physiol. 297:F350-61, 2009 

105. Villa-Bellosta R, Levi M, and Sorribas V: Vascular smooth muscle cell calcification and SLC20 inorganic phosphate transporters: effects of PDGF, TNF-α and Pi. Pflugers Archives-European Journal of Physiology: 458:1151-61, 2009 PMID: 19506901 


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106. Giral-Arnal H, Caldas Y, Sutherland E, Wilson P, Breusegem SY, Barry NP, Blaine JT, Jiang T, Wang XX, Levi M: Regulation of the Rat Intestinal Na-dependent Phosphate Transporters by Dietary Phosphate: Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 297: F1466-F1475, 2009 PMID: 19675183 

107. Brosius FC, Alpers CE, Bottinger EP, Breyer MD, Coffman TM, Gurley SB, Harris RC, Kakoki M, Kretzler M, Leiter EH, Levi M, McIndoe RA, Sharma K, Smithies O, Susztak K, Takahashi N, Takahashi T, and AMDCC: Mouse Models of Diabetic Nephropathy: JASN 20: 2503-12, 2009 PMID: 19729434 

108. Blaine JT, Okamura K, Giral-Arnal H, Breusegem SY, Caldas Y, Barry NP, Levi M: PTH Induced Internalization of Apical Membrane NaPi-2a: Role of Action and Myosin VI: Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 297: C1339-46, 2009 PMID: 19776390 

109. Wang XX, Jiang T, Shen Y, Adorini L, Pruzanski M, Gonzalez FJ, Lewis L, Miyazaki-Anzai S and Levi M: Farnesoid X Receptor Modulates Renal Lipid Metabolism and Diet-Induced Renal Inflammation, Fibrosis and Proteinuria: Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 297: F1587-96, 2009 PMID: 19776172 

110. Choudhury D, Tuncel M, and Levi M: Disorders of Lipid Metabolism and Chronic Kidney Disease in the Elderly: Seminars in Nephrology, 29: 610-620, 2009 

111. Lim RS, Kratzer A, Barry NP, Miyazaki-Anzai S, Miyazaki M, Mantulin WW, Levi M, Potma EO, Tromberg BJ: Multimodal CARS microscopy determination of the impact of diet on macrophage infiltration and lipid accumulation on plaque formation in ApoE- deficient mice: Journal of Lipid Research, 51: 1729-1737, 2010 PMID: 20208058 

112. Miyazaki-Anzai S, Levi M, Kratzer A, Ting TC, Lewis LB, and Miyazaki M: FXR activation prevents the development of vascular calcification in ApoE-/- mice with chronic kidney disease: Circulation Research 106: 1807-1817, 2010 PMID: 20431060 

113. Wang XX, Jiang T, Levi M: Nuclear hormone receptors in diabetic nephropathy. Nature Review Nephrology 6:342-351, 2010 PMID: 20421884 

114. Rizzo G, Passeri D, De Franco F, Ciaccioli G, Donadio L, Rizzo G, Orlandi S, Sadeghpour B, Wang XX, Jiang T, Levi M, Pruzanski M, Adorini L: Functional characterization of the semi-synthetic bile acid derivative INT-767, a dual FXR and TGR5 agonist. Molecular Pharmacology: 78:617-30, 2010. PMID: 20631053 


Moshe Levi, MD CV June 16, 2019 

115. Wang XX, Jiang T, Shen Y, Caldas Y, Miyazaki-Anzai S, Santamaria H, Scherzer P, Lewis L, Gonzalez FJ, Adorini L, Pruzanski M, Kopp JB, Verlander JW, Levi M: Diabetic Nephropathy is Accelerated by Farnesoid X Receptor Deficiency and Inhibited by Farnesoid X Receptor Activation in a Type 1 Diabetes Model. DIABETES 59:2916- 27, 2010. PMID: 20699418 

116. Dobrinskikh E, Giral H, Caldas YA, Levi M, and Doctor RB: Shank2 redistributes with NaPilla during regulated endocytosis. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 299:C1324-34, 2010 PMID: 20810910 

117. Schrier RW, Levi M: Lipids and renal cystic disease: Nephrol Dial Transplant. 25:3490-2, 2010 PMID: 20813766 

118. Kaneko I, Segawa H, Furutani J, Kuwahara S, Aranami F, Hanabusa E, Tominaga R, Giral H, Caldas Y, Levi M, Kato S, Miyamoto K. Hypophosphatemia in vitamin D receptor null mice: effect of rescue diet on the developmental changes in renal Na(+)- dependent phosphate cotransporters. Pflugers Arch. 461:77-90, 2011 

119. Wang XX, Jiang T, Shen Y, Santamaria H, Solis N, Arbeeny CM, Levi M: The Vitamin D Receptor Agonist Doxercalciferol Modulates Dietary Fat Induced Renal Disease and Renal Lipid Metabolism. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 300: F801-810, 2011 PMID: 21209008 

120. Blaine J, Lanzano L, Giral H, Caldas Y, Levi M, Gratton E, Moldovan R, Lei T. Dynamic imaging of the sodium phosphate cotransporters. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 18:145-50, 2011 PMID: 21406299 

121. Sabbagh Y, Giral H, Caldas Y, Levi M, Schiavi SC. Intestinal phosphate transport. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 18:85-90, 2011 PMID: 21406292 

122. Giral H, Lanzano L, Caldas Y, Verlander JW, Gratton E, Levi M: Role of PDZK1 Protein in Apical Membrane Expression of Renal Sodium-coupled Phosphate Transporters: J Biological Chem. 286: 15032–15042, 2011 PMID: 21388960 

123. Lanzano L, Fwu P, Digman M, Giral H, Levi M and Gratton E: Nanometer-scale imaging by the modulation tracking method: J Biophotonics. 4:415-24, 2011 PMID: 21462350 

124. Miller M; Stone N; Ballantyne C; Bittner V; Criqui M; Kris-Etherton P; Ginsberg H; Goldberg AC; William WJ; Jacobson M; Lennie TA; Levi M; Mazzone T; Pennathur S: Triglycerides and Cardiovascular Disease: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation 123: 2292-333, 2011 PMID: 21502576 


Moshe Levi, MD CV June 16, 2019 

125. Levi M: Nuclear Receptors in Renal Disease: Biochim Biophys Acta. 1812: 1061-7, 2011 PMID: 21511032 

126. Ahmad A, Khundmiri SJ, Pribble F, Merchant ML, Ameen M, Klein JB, Levi M, Lederer ED. Role of vacuolar ATPase in the trafficking of renal type IIa sodium- phosphate cotransporter: Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 27: 703-714, 2011 

127. Lanzano L, Lei T, Okamura K, Arnal H, Caldas Y, Massihzadeh O, Gratton E, Levi M, and Blaine J: Differential modulation of the molecular dynamics of the type IIa and IIc sodium phosphate transporters by parathyroid hormone: Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 301: C850-61, 2011 PMID: 21593452 

128. Ting TC, Miyazaki-Anzai S, Masuda M, Levi M, Demer LL , Tintut Y, and Miyazaki M: Increased lipogenesis and stearate accelerate vascular calcification in calcifying vascular cells J. Biol. Chem. 286: 23938-49, 2011 PMID 21596756 

129. Caldas Y, Giral H, Cortázar MA, Sutherland E, Okamura K, Blaine J, Sorribas V, Levi M: Liver X Receptor (LXR) Activating Ligands Modulate Renal and Intestinal Phosphate (Na-Pi) Transporters: Kidney International 80: 535-544, 2011 PMID: 21677638 

130. Han KH, Lee HW, Handlogten ME, Bishop JM, Levi M, Kim J, Verlander JW, Weiner ID: Effect of Hypokalemia on Renal Expression of the Ammonia Transporter Family Members, Rh B Glycoprotein and Rh C Glycoprotein, in the Rat Kidney. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 301: F823-32, 2011 PMID: 21753075 

131. Lim RS, Suhalim JL, Miyazaki-Anzai S, Miyazaki M, Levi M, Potma EO, Tromberg BJ. Identification of cholesterol crystals in plaques of atherosclerotic mice using hyperspectral CARS imaging. J Lipid Res 52: 2177-86, 2011 PMID 21949051 

132. Levi M, Wang X, Choudhury D. Nuclear hormone receptors as therapeutic targets. Contrib Nephrol. 170: 209-16, 2011 

133. Choudhury D, Levi M. Kidney aging--inevitable or preventable? Nat Rev Nephrol. 7: 706-17, 2011 PMID: 21826079 

134. Hegan PS, Giral H, Levi M, Mooseker MS. Myosin VI is required for maintenance of brush border structure, composition, and membrane trafficking functions in the intestinal epithelial cell. Cytoskeleton, 69: 235-251, 2012. PMID: 22328452 


Moshe Levi, MD CV June 16, 2019 

135. Suhalim JL, Chung C-Y, Lilledahl MB, Lim RS, Levi M, Tromberg BJ, Potma EO. Characterization of Cholesterol Crystals in Atherosclerotic Plaques Using Stimulated Raman Scattering and Second-Harmonic Generation Microscopy. Biophysical Journal: 102: 1988-1995, 2012. 

136. Blaine J, Levi M: Chronic kidney disease: Albuminuria or CKD stage as best marker of CVD in diabetes? Nat Rev Nephrol. 8: 376-7, 2012 PMID: 22641078 

137. Masuda M, Ting TC, Levi M, Saunders SJ, Miyazaki-Anzai S, Miyazaki M: Activating transcription factor 4 regulates stearate-induced vascular calcification. J Lipid Res. 53: 1543-52, 2012 PMID: 22628618 

138. Hazra S, Rasheed A, Bhatwadekar A, Wang X, Shaw LC, Patel M, Caballero S, Magomedova L, Solis N, Yan Y, Wang W, Thinschmidt JS, Verma A, Li Q, Levi M, Cummins CL, and Grant MB: Liver X Receptor Modulates Diabetic Retinopathy Outcome in a Mouse Model of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes. Diabetes 61: 3270-9, 2012 

139. Giral H, Cranston D, Lanzano L, Caldas Y, Sutherland E, Rachelson J, Dobrinskikh, Weinman EJ, Doctor RB, Gratton E, Levi M. NHE3 Regulatory Factor 1 (NHRF1) Modulates Intestinal Na-dependent Phosphate Transporter (NaPi-2b) Expression in Apical Microvilli. J. Biol. Chem. 287: 35047-56, 2012 

140. Hambruch E, Miyazaki-Anzai S, Hahn U, Matysik S, Boettcher A, Perović-Ottstadt S, Schlüter T, Kinzel O, Krol H-D, Deuschle U, Burnet M, Levi M, Schmitz G, Miyazaki M, and Kremoser C. Synthetic FXR Agonists Induce HDL-Mediated Transhepatic Cholesterol Efflux in Mice and Monkeys and Prevent Atherosclerosis in CETP Transgenic LDLR–/– Mice. JPET: 343: 556-67, 2012 

141. Lanaspa MA, Caldas YA, Breusegem SY, Andrés-Hernando A, Cicerchi C, Levi M, and Sorribas V: Inorganic Phosphate Modulates the Expression of the NaPi-2a Transporter in the Trans-Golgi Network and the Interaction with PIST in the Proximal Tubule. BioMed Research International Volume 2013: 513932, 2013 

142. Okamura K, Dummer P, Kopp JA, Qiu L, Levi M, Faubel S, Blaine J: Endocytosis of Albumin by Podocytes Elicits an Inflammatory Response and Induces Apoptotic Cell Death, PLoS ONE 8(1): e54817. Epub 2013 Jan 28. PMID: 23382978 

143. McMahan R, Wang XX, Lin Cheng L, Krisko T, Smith M, Karim El

Kasmi KE, Pruzanski M, Adorini L, Golden-Mason L, Levi M, Rosen HR. Bile-Acid Receptor Activation Modulates Hepatic Monocyte Activity and Improves Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. J Biol Chem 288: 11761-11770, 2013 


Moshe Levi, MD CV June 16, 2019 

144. Caldas Y, Giral H, Sorribas V, Levi M. Nuclear receptor LXR: a new partner for sodium-dependent phosphate cotransporters. Contrib Nephrol.180:64-73, 2013 

145. Crouthamel MH, Lau WL, Leaf EM, Chavkin N, Wallingford MC, Peterson DF, Li

X, Liu Y, Chin MT, Levi M, Giachelli CM. Sodium-Dependent Phosphate Cotransporters and Phosphate-Induced Calcification of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells: Redundant Roles for PiT-1 and PiT-2. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 33: 2625-2632, 2013 

146. Masuda M, Miyazaki-Anzai S, Levi M, Ting TC, Miyazaki M. PERK-eIF2α-ATF4- CHOP Signaling Contributes to TNFα-Induced Vascular Calcification. J Am Heart Assoc. 2: e000238, 2013 

147. Patel M, Wang X, Magomedova John LR, Rasheed A, Santamaria H, Wang W, Tsai R, Qiu L, Orellana A, Advani A, Levi M, and Cummins CL. Liver X Receptors preserve renal glomerular integrity under normoglycemia and in diabetes in mice. Diabetologia 57: 435-446, 2014 

148. Herman-Edelstein M, Scherzer P, Tobar A, Levi M, and Gafter U: Altered renal lipid metabolism and renal lipid accumulation in human diabetic nephropathy. Journal of Lipid Research, 55: 561-572, 2014 

150. Tak E, Ridyard D, Kim J-H, Zimmerman M, Werner T, Wang XX, Shabeka U, Seo S-W, Christians U, Klawitter J, Moldovan R, Garcia G, Levi M, Haase V, Ravid K, Eltzschig HK, and Grenz A. CD73 Dependent Generation of Adenosine and Endothelial Adora2b Signaling Attenuates Diabetic Nephropathy. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 25: 547-563, 2014 

152. Miyazaki M, Miyazaki-Anzai S, Masuda M, Demos-Davies K, Keenan A, Saunders S, Masuda R, Jablonski K, Cavasin M, Kendrick J, Chonchol M, McKinsey T, and Levi M. Endoplasmic reticulum stress effector CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein homologous protein (CHOP) regulates chronic kidney disease-induced vascular calcification. J Am Heart Assoc. 2014 Jun 24; 3(3):e000949. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.114.000949. 


149. Wang W, Qiu L, Howard A, Solis N, Li C, Wang X, Kopp JB and Levi M: Protective effects of aliskiren and valsartan in mice with diabetic nephropathy. Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System, 2014 Jul 16. pii: 1470320313507123. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25031296 

151. Fenton RA, Fiona Murray F, Dominguez Rieg JA, Hammond HK, Levi M and Rieg T. Renal Phosphate Wasting in the Absence of Adenylyl Cyclase 6. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 25(12): 2822-34, 2014 

Moshe Levi, MD CV June 16, 2019 

153. Miyazaki-Anzai S, Masuda M, Levi M, Keenan AL, Miyazaki M. Dual Activation of the Bile Acid Nuclear Receptor FXR and G-protein-coupled Receptor TGR5 Protects Mice against Atherosclerosis. PlosOne, 9: e108270, 2014. 

154. Candeal E, Guillén N, Caldas Y, Levi M, Víctor Sorribas. Na-independent Phosphate Transport in Caco2BBE Cells. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 307(12):C1113-22, 2014 

155. Blaine J, Chonchol M, Levi M. Renal Control of Calcium, Phosphate, and Magnesium Homeostasis. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 10: 1257–1272, 2015 

156. Burris D, Webster R, Sheriff S, Faroqui R, Levi M, Hawse J, and Amlal H: Estrogen directly and specifically downregulates NaPi-IIa through the activation of both estrogen receptor isoforms (ERα and ERβ) in rat kidney proximal tubule. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 308(6):F522-34, 2015 

158. Ranjit S, Dvornikov A, Stakic M, Hong S-H, Levi M, Evans RM, and Gratton E: Imaging Fibrosis and Separating Collagens using Second Harmonic Generation and Phasor Approach to Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging. Scientific Reports | 5:13378 | DOI: 10.1038/srep13378 

157. Wang W, Luo R, Lin Y, Wang F, Zheng P, Levi M, Yang T, Li C. Aliskiren Restores Renal AQP2 Expression during Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction by Inhibiting the Inflammasome. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 308(8): F910-22, 2015 

159. Wang XX, Herman-Edelstein M, Gafter U, Qiu L, Luo Y, Dobrinskikh E, Lucia S, Adorini L, D’Agati VD, Levi J, Rosenberg A, Kopp JB, Gius DR, Saleem MA, Levi M. TGR5 mRNA Expression is decreased in Human Kidney Disease in Obesity and 

Diabetes: TGR5 Activation Inhibits Kidney Disease in Obese and Diabetic Mice. J Am Soc Nephrol. 27(5):1362-78, 2016. PMID: 26424786 

160. Li C, Lin Y, Luo R, Chen S, Wang F, Zheng P, Levi M, Yang T, Wang W: Intrarenal Renin-Angiotensin System Mediates Fatty Acid-Induced ER Stress in the Kidney. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2016 Mar 1;310(5):F351-63. doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00223.2015. Epub 2015 Dec 16. PMID: 26672616 

161. Heveran CM, Ortega AM, Cureton A, Clark R, Livingston EW, Bateman TA, Levi M, King KB, Ferguson VL: Moderate chronic kidney disease impairs bone quality in C57Bl/6J mice. Bone. 2016 May;86:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2016.02.006. Epub 2016 Feb 6. PMID: 26860048 


Moshe Levi, MD CV June 16, 2019 

163. Jonscher KR, Alfonso-Garcia A, Suhalim JL, Orlicky DJ, Potma EO, Ferguson VL, Bouxsein ML, Bateman TA, Stodieck LS, Levi M, Friedman JE, Gridley DS, Pecaut MJ. Spaceflight Activates Lipotoxic Pathways in Mouse Liver. PLoS One.11(4): e0152877, 2016 

164. D'Agati VD, Chagnac A, de Vries AP, Levi M, Porrini E, Herman-Edelstein M, Praga M. Obesity-related glomerulopathy: clinical and pathologic characteristics and pathogenesis. Nat Rev Nephrol. 2016 Aug;12(8):453-71. doi: 10.1038/nrneph.2016.75. Review. PMID: 27263398 

165. Ranjit S, Dobrinskikh E, Montford J, Dvornikov A, Lehman A, Orlicky DJ, Nemenoff R, Gratton E, Levi M, Furgeson S. Label-free fluorescence lifetime and second harmonic generation imaging microscopy improves quantification of experimental

renal fibrosis. Kidney Int. 2016 Nov;90(5):1123-1128. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2016.06.030. PMID: 27555119 

166. Ranjit S, Dvornikov A, Levi M, Furgeson S, Gratton E. Characterizing fibrosis in UUO mice model using multiparametric analysis of phasor distribution from FLIM images. Biomed Opt Express. 2016 Aug 17;7(9):3519-3530. PMID: 27699117 

167. McGettigan BM, McMahan RH, Luo Y, Wang XX, Orlicky DJ, Porsche C, Levi M, Rosen HR. Sevelamer Improves Steatohepatitis, Inhibits Liver and Intestinal Farnesoid X Receptor (FXR), and Reverses Innate Immune Dysregulation in a Mouse Model of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. J Biol Chem. 2016 Oct 28;291(44):23058-23067. PMID: 27605663 

168. Jonscher KR, Stewart MS, Alfonso-Garcia A, DeFelice BC, Wang XX, Luo Y, Levi M, Heerwagen MJ, Janssen RC, de la Houssaye BA, Wiitala E, Florey G, Jonscher RL, Potma EO, Fiehn O, Friedman JE. Early PQQ supplementation has persistent long-term protective effects on developmental programming of hepatic lipotoxicity and inflammation in obese mice. FASEB J. 2017 Apr;31(4):1434-1448. doi: 10.1096/fj.201600906R. Epub 2016 Dec 22. PMID: 28007783 

169. Wang XX, Levi J, Luo Y, Myakala K, Herman-Edelstein M, Qiu L, Wang D, Peng Y, Grenz A, Lucia S, Dobrinskikh E, D'Agati VD, Koepsell H, Kopp JB, Rosenberg A, Levi M. SGLT2 Expression is increased in Human Diabetic Nephropathy: SGLT2 Inhibition Decreases Renal Lipid Accumulation, Inflammation and the Development of Nephropathy in Diabetic Mice. J Biol Chem. 2017 Mar 31;292(13):5335-5348. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M117.779520. Epub 2017 Feb 14. PMID: 28196866 


162. Levi M: Role of Bile Acid Regulated Nuclear Receptor FXR and G Protein Coupled Receptor TGR5 in Regulation of Cardiorenal Syndrome (Cardiovascular Disease and Chronic Kidney Disease). Hypertension. 2016 67(6):1080-4, 2016. PMID: 27045028 

Moshe Levi, MD CV June 16, 2019 

170. Lin Y, Zhang T, Feng P, Qiu M, Liu Q, Li S, Zheng P, Kong Y, Levi M, Li C, Wang W. Aliskiren Increases Aquaporin-2 Expression and Attenuates Lithium-induced Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2017 Feb 22: ajprenal.00553.2016. doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00553.2016. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28228402 

171. Candeal E, Caldas YA, Guillen N, Levi M, Sorribas V. Intestinal Phosphate Absorption is Mediated by Multiple Transport Systems in Rats. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 312:G355-G366, 2017 PMID: 28232455 

172. Wang XX, Luo Y, Wang D, Adorini L, Pruzanski M, Dobrinskikh E, Levi M. A Dual Agonist of Farnesoid X Receptor (FXR) and the G protein-coupled Receptor TGR5, INT-767, Reverses Age-Related Kidney Disease in Mice. Journal of Biological Chemistry 292:12018-12024, 2017 

173. Ranjit S, Dvornikov A, Dobrinskikh E, Wang X, Luo Y, Levi M, Gratton E. Measuring the effect of a Western diet on liver tissue architecture by FLIM autofluorescence and harmonic generation microscopy. Biomedical Optics Express, 3143, Vol. 8, No. 7, 1 Jul 2017 

174. Wang D, Luo Y, Myakala K, Orlicky DJ, Dobrinskikh E, Wang X, Levi M. Serelaxin improves cardiac and renal function in DOCA-salt model of cardiorenal syndrome in rats. Scientific Reports, 2017 Aug 29;7(1):9793. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-09470-0. PMID: 28851937 

175. Hammer SS, Beli E, Kady N, Wang Q, Wood K , Lydi TA, Malek G, Saban DR, Wang XX, Levi M, Busik JV, Grant MB. The mechanism of diabetic retinopathy pathogenesis unifying key lipid regulators,Sirtuin 1 and liver X receptor. EBioMedicine, 2017 Aug;22:181-190. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.07.008. Epub 2017 Jul 11. 

PMID: 28774737 

176. Wang XX, Wang D, Luo Y, Dobrinskikh E, Rosenberg AZ, Levi J, Kopp J, Field A, Hill A, Lucia S, Qiu L, Jiang T, Peng Y, Orlicky D, Garcia G, Herman-Edelstein M, D’Agati V, Henriksen K, Adorini L, Pruzanski M, Xie C, Krausz K, Gonzalez F, Ranjit S, Dvornikov A, Gratton E, Levi M. FXR/TGR5 Dual Agonist Prevents Progression of Nephropathy in Diabetes and Obesity. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018 Jan;29(1):118-137. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2017020222. Epub 2017 Oct 31. PMID: 29089371 

177. Wang D, Luo Y, Wang X, Orlicky DJ, Myakala K, Yang P, Levi M. The Sodium- Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitor Dapagliflozin Prevents Renal and Liver Disease in Western Diet Induced Obesity Mice. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jan 3;19(1). pii: E137. doi: 10.3390/ijms19010137. PMID: 29301371 

178. Herman-Edelstein M, Weinstein T, Levi M. Bile acid receptors and the kidney. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2018 Jan;27(1):56-62. doi: 10.1097/MNH.0000000000000374. PMID: 29045336 

179. Friedman JE, Dobrinskikh E, Alfonso-Garcia A, Fast A, Jannsen RC, Soderborg TK, Anderson AL, Reisz JA, D’Alessandro A, Frank DN, Robertson CE, de la Houssaye BA, Johnson LK, Orlicky DJ, Wang XX, Levi M, Potma EO,. El Kasmi KC, Jonscher KR. Pyrroloquinoline quinone prevents developmental programming of microbial dysbiosis and macrophage polarization to attenuate liver fibrosis in offspring of obese mice. Hepatology Communications 2: 313-328, 2018. 

180, Levi M, Myakala K, Wang X. SRGAP2a: a new partner that modulates podocyte cytoskeleton and injury in Diabetes. Diabetes. 2018 Apr;67(4):550-551. doi: 10.2337/dbi17-0050 

182. Miyazaki-Anzai S, Masuda M, Kohno S, Levi M, Shiozaki Y, Keenan AL, Miyazaki M. Simultaneous inhibition of FXR and TGR5 exacerbates atherosclerotic formation.

J Lipid Res. 2018 Sep;59(9):1709-1713. PMID: 29976576 

183. Shogo Takahashi, Naoki Tanaka, Tatsuki Fukami, Cen Xie, Tomoki Yagai, Donghwan Kim, Thomas J. Velenosi, Tingting Yan, Kristopher W. Krausz, Moshe Levi and Frank J. Gonzalez. Role of farnesoid X receptor and bile acids in hepatic tumor development. Hepatology Communications 2018 Oct 1;2(12):1567-1582 

184. Suchun Li, Miaojuan Qiu, Yonglun Kong, Xiaoduo Zhao, Hyo-Jung Choi, Maria Reich, Qiaojuan Liu, Shan Hu, Mengke Han, Haixia Xie, Avi Rosenberg, Verena Keitel, Tae-Hwan Kwon, Moshe Levi, Chunling Li, Weidong Wang. Bile Acid G-protein Coupled Membrane Receptor TGR5 Modulates AQP2-Mediated Water Homeostasis. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2018 Nov;29(11):2658-2670. PMID: 30305310 

185. Guillén N, Caldas YA, Levi M, Sorribas V. Identification and expression analysis of type II and type III Pi transporters in the opossum kidney cell line. Exp Physiol. 104: 149-161, 2019 PMID: 30379374 

181. Beli E, Yan Y, Moldovan L, Vieira CP, Gao R, Duan Y, Prasad R, Bhatwadekar A, White FA, Townsend SD, Chan L, Ryan CN, Morton D, Moldovan EG, Chu FI, Oudit GY, Derendorf H, Adorini L, Wang XX, Evans-Molina C, Mirmira RG, Boulton ME, Yoder MC, Li Q, Levi M, Busik JV, Grant MB. Bile Acid activation by intermittent fasting prevents development of retinopathy in db/db mice. Diabetes. 2018 Sep;67(9):1867- 1879. doi: 10.2337/db18-0158. Epub 2018 Apr 30. 

Moshe Levi, MD CV June 16, 2019 

186. Xie C, Takahashi S, Brocker CN, He S, Li C, Xie G, Jang K, Gao X, Krausz KW, Qu A, Levi M, Gonzalez FJ. Hepatocyte peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha regulates bile acid synthesis and transport. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids. 2019 Jun 10. pii: S1388-1981(18)30326-3. doi: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2019.05.014. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 31195146 

187. Levi M, Gratton E, Forster IC, Hernando N, Wagner CA, Biber J, Sorribas V, Murer H. Mechanisms of phosphate transport. Nat Rev Nephrol. 2019 Jun 5. doi: 

10.1038/s41581-019-0159-y. [Epub ahead of print] Review. PMID: 31168066 

188. Konkel B, Lavin C, Wu TT, Anderson E, Iwamoto A, Rashid H, Gaitian B, Boone J, Cooper M, Abrams P, Gilbert A, Tang Q, Levi M, Fujimoto JG, Andrews P, Chen Y. Fully automated analysis of OCT imaging of human kidneys for prediction of post- transplant function. Biomed Opt Express. 2019 Mar 13;10(4):1794-1821. doi: 10.1364/BOE.10.001794. eCollection 2019 Apr 1. PMID: 31086705 

189. Heveran CM, Schurman CA, Acevedo C, Livingston EW, Howe D, Schaible EG, Hunt HB, Rauff A, Donnelly E, Carpenter RD, Levi M, Lau AG, Bateman TA, Alliston T, King KB, Ferguson VL. Chronic kidney disease and aging differentially diminish bone material and microarchitecture in C57Bl/6 mice. Bone. 2019 May 2;127:91-103. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2019.04.019. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 31055118 

190. Layunta E, Pastor Arroyo EM, Kägi L, Thomas L, Levi M, Hernando N, Wagner CA. Intestinal Response to Acute Intragastric and Intravenous Administration of Phosphate in Rats. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2019;52(4):838-849. doi: 10.33594/000000058. PMID: 30946558 

191. Harrison DE, Strong R, Alavez S, Astle CM, DiGiovanni J, Fernandez E, Flurkey K, Garratt M, Gelfond JAL, Javors MA, Levi M, Lithgow GJ, Macchiarini F, Nelson JF, 

Sukoff Rizzo SJ, Slaga TJ, Stearns T, Wilkinson JE, Miller RA. Acarbose improves health and lifespan in aging HET3 mice. Aging Cell. 2019 Apr;18(2):e12898. doi: 10.1111/acel.12898. Epub 2019 Jan 27. PMID: 30688027 

192. Montford JR, Bauer C, Dobrinskikh E, Hopp K, Levi M, Weiser-Evans M, Nemenoff R, Furgeson SB. Inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase decreases renal fibrosis and progression of chronic kidney disease. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2019 Apr 1;316(4):F732-F742. doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00262.2018. Epub 2019 Jan 16. PMID: 30649890 

193. Levi M, Gratton E. Visualizing the regulation of SLC34 proteins at the apical membrane. Pflugers Arch. 2019 Apr;471(4):533-542. doi: 10.1007/s00424-018-02249- w. Epub 2019 Jan 6. Review. PMID: 30613865  

194. Xiaoxin X. Wang, Suman Ranjit, Cen Xie, Andrew Libby, Jonathan Levi, David J. Orlicky, Yuhuan Luo, Dong Wang, Michal Herman-Edelstein, Alexander Dvornikov, Jeffrey Kaplan, Yingqiong Peng, Elise S. Bales, David E. Kleiner, Stephen M. Hewitt, Luciano Adorini, Mark Pruzanski, Jeffrey B. Kopp, Kristopher W. Krausz, Avi Z. Rosenberg, James L. McManaman, Frank J. Gonzalez, Enrico Gratton, Moshe Levi. The Dual FXR-TGR5 Agonist INT-767 Reverses Hepatic Lipid Accumulation, Inflammation, and Fibrosis in Mouse Western Diet-Induced NASH. In Revision. 

195. Shogo Takahashi, Yuhuan Luo, Suman Ranjit, Cen Xie, Andrew Libby, David J. Orlicky, Alexander Dvornikov, Xiaoxin Wang, Dong Wang, Jim McManaman, Kristopher Krausz, Enrico Gratton, Daniel N. Frank, Frank Gonzalez, Moshe Levi. Bile Acid Sequestration Prevents NASH in Western Diet Fed Mice Independent of FXR. In revision. 


1. Levi M, Berl T: Water Metabolism. In Gonick HC (Ed.): Current Nephrology Vol. 5, New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1982. 

2. Levi M, Bichet DG, Berl T: Treatment of Hypoosmolar and Hyperosmolar States. In Suki WN and Massry SG (eds.): Therapy of Renal Diseases and Related Disorders. Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Publ. 1984. 

3. Bichet DG, Levi M, Schrier RW: Polyuria, Dehydration, Overhydration. In Seldin DW, Giebisch G (eds.): The Kidney, Physiology and Pathophysiology, New York, Raven Press. 1985. 

4. Levi M, Berl T: Water Metabolism. In Gonick HC (ed.): Current Nephrology Vol. 9, Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1986. 

5. Levi M, Rowe JW: Aging and the Kidney. In Schrier RW and Gottschalk CW (ed.): Diseases of the Kidney, 4th ed., Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 1988. 

6. Diamond SM, Levi M: Renal and Genitourinary Complications from the Treatment of Hodgkin’s Disease. In Lacher MJ and Redman JR (Eds.): Hodgkin’s Disease: The Consequences of Survival, Philadelphia, Lea and Febiger, 1990. 

7. Levi M, Knochel JP: The Management of Disorder of Phosphate Metabolism. In Massry SG and Suki WN (Eds.): Therapy of Renal Diseases and Related Disorders. Boston Martinus Mijhoff Publ., 1990. 

8. Levi M, Schrier RW: Renal Disease in the Elderly. In Schrier RW (Ed.): Geriatric Medicine: The Care of the Elderly. WB Philadelphia, Saunders Co., 1990. 

9. Levi M, Rowe JW: The Pathophysiology of the Aging Kidney. In Seldin DW and Giebisch G (Eds.): The Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiology, 2nd Ed. New York, Raven Press, 1992 

10. Levi M, Cronin E, Knochel JP: Disorders of Phosphate and Magnesium Metabolism. In Coe FL and Favus MJ (Eds.): Disorders of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, Raven Press 1992 

11. Rowe JW, Minaker KL, Levi M: Pathophysiology and Management of Electrolyte Disturbances in the Elderly. In Martinez-Maldonado M. (ed.): Hypertension and Renal Disease in the Elderly. Cambridge, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc., 1992. 


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12. Levi M, Rowe JW: Aging and the Kidney. In Schrier RW and Gottschalk CW (Eds): Diseases of the Kidney, 5th ed., Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 1993. 

13. Levi M: Aging in the Kidney. In Regenbogen LS and Eliahou HE (Eds): Disease Affecting the Eye and the Kidney, Basel, Karger, 1993. 

14. Agarwal R, Levi M: Selection of Therapy for End Stage Renal Disease Patient. In Henrich W L (ed.): The Principles and Practice of Nephrology, Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1994. 

15. Palmer BF, Levi M: Kidney Disease in the Elderly. In: R. Schrier, D Jahnigen, (Eds.), Geriatric Medicine. 3rd edition, Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1996. 

16. Palmer BF, Levi M: Effect of Aging on Renal Function and Disease. In: BM Brenner, FC Rector, (Eds.), The Kidney. 5th Edition, WB Saunders, 1996. 

17. Levi M, Peterson LN: Disorders of Potassium Metabolism. In Schrier RW (Ed): Renal and Electrolyte Disorders, 5th Edition, Boston, Little Brown and Co., 1997. 

18. Palmer BF, Levi M: Aging and the Kidney. In Schrier RW and Gottschalk CW (Eds.): Diseases of the Kidney, 6th Ed, Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 1997. 

19. Levi M, Popovtzer M: Phosphate Metabolism – In Atlas of Diseases of the Kidney. Schrier RW and Berl T (Eds.), Disorders of Water, Electrolytes, and Acid Base, 1999 

20. Dev D, Palmer BF, Levi M: The Pathophysiology of the Aging Kidney. In Seldin DW and Giebisch G (Eds): The Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiology, 3rd Ed. New York, Raven Press, 2000 

21. Dev D, Raj D, Palmer BF, Levi M: Effect of Aging on Renal Function and Disease. In BM Brenner (Ed): The Kidney. 6th Edition, WB Saunders, 2000 

22. Penfield J, Dev D, Cronin E, Knochel JP and Levi M: Disorders of Phosphate and Magnesium Metabolism. In Favus and Coe (Eds.): Disorders of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, 2nd Edition, Raven Press, 2000 

23. Choudhury D and Levi M: Renal Function and Dysfunction in Aging. In: Schrier RW (Ed): Diseases of the Kidney, 6th Ed, Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 2000 


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24. Parasassi T, Bagatolli L, Gratton E, Levi M, Ursini F, Yu W, Zajicek HK. Two- Photon Excitation Fluorescence Microscopy for Imaging of Lipid Dynamics of Tissues, Cells, Organelles and Lipid Vesicles while in Physiological Conditions. In: Confocal and Two-Photon Microscopy: Foundations, Applications and Advances, Alberto Diaspro Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002 

25. Levi M, Peterson LN: Disorders of Potassium Metabolism. In Schrier RW (Ed): Renal and Electrolyte Disorders, 6th Edition, Boston, Little Brown and Co., 2002 

26. Dev D, Raj D, Palmer BF, Levi M: Effect of Aging on Renal Function and Disease. In BM Brenner (Ed): The Kidney. 7th Edition, WB Saunders, 2003 

27. Popovtzer M and Levi M: Disorders of Calcium and Magnesium Metabolism. In Fink MP, Abraham E, Vincent J-L, and Kochanek P (Ed): Textbook of Critical Care, 5th Edition, Elsevier, 2005 

28. Choudhury D and Levi M: Renal Function and Dysfunction in Aging. In: Schrier RW (Ed): Diseases of the Kidney, 7th Ed, Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 2005 

29. Hruska K, Levi M, Slatopolsky E: Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphate Disorders. In: Schrier RW (Ed): Diseases of the Kidney, 7th Ed, Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 2005 

30. Choudhury D and Levi M: Effect of Aging on Renal Function and Disease. In BM Brenner (Ed): The Kidney. 8th Edition, WB Saunders, 2006 

31. Levi M: The Kidney in Liver Disease: Chapter 40: 619-638, In Irwin Arias, Harvey J Alter, James L Boyer, David E Cohen, Nelson Fausto, David A Shafritz, Allan W Wolkoff (Ed): The Liver: Biology and Pathobiology, 5th Edition, Wiley-Blackwell 2009 

32. Choudhury D, Levi M, and Tuncel M: Effect of Aging on Renal Function and Disease. In BM Brenner (Ed): The Kidney. 9th Edition, WB Saunders, 2010 

33. Hruska KA, Levi M, Slatopolsky E: Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphate Disorders. In: Schrier RW (Ed): Diseases of the Kidney, 8th Ed, Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 2010 

34. Levi M, Wang X, and Choudhury D: Nuclear Hormone Receptors as Therapeutic Targets. In Lai KN and Tang SCW (eds): Diabetes and the Kidney. Contrib Nephrol. Basel Karger, 170: 209-16, 2011 

35. Hruska KA, Levi M, Slatopolsky E: Disorders of Phosphorus, Calcium, and Magnesium Metabolism. In Thomas M Coffman, Ronald J. Falk, Bruce A. Molitoris, Eric G. Neilson, Robert W. Schrier (Ed): Schrier’s Diseases of the Kidney, 9th Ed, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia 2013 


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36. Blaine J, Giral-Arnal H, Jelen, S, and Levi M: Approach to the patient with hypophosphatemia and hyperphosphatemia. In Neil Turner, Norbert Lamiere, David J Goldsmith, Christopher G. Winearls, Jonathan Himmelfarb, Giuseppe Remuzzi (Ed): Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology, 4th Edition, Oxford University Press. 2016 

37. Choudhury D and Levi M: Aging and Kidney Disease. In Karl Skorecki, Glenn M. Chertow, Philip A Marsden, Maarten W. Taal, Alan S.L. Yu (Ed): Brenner & Rector’s The Kidney, 10th Ed, Philadelphia, 2016